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Infants: 6 weeks new to 15 months old

Nothing gives us greater satisfaction than watching your child meet and exceed developmental milestones.

We make sure your baby's waking hours are filled with an exciting world of music, colors, laughter, and age-appropriate toys and equipment. The visual and auditory stimulation each classroom has to offer, combined with daily physical activities, provides your child with a fun and challenging learning environment.


While our "parents are always welcome policy" is a tradition of the school, we particularly encourage the parents of our youngest students to call or drop in for a visit any time. Whether it is for a feeding or just to check in, we do our best to help you feel comfortable about your choice of childcare.

Infant Daily Activities
Classroom Policies:

✓ Self-Awareness

✓ Awareness of Body

✓ Tummy Time

✓ Rolling Over

✓ Crawling

✓ Reaching for Objects

✓ Sitting Up
✓ Standing

✓ Walking

✓ Emotional Connections

✓ Discovery Through Play and Manipulation of Different Objects

✓ Felt boards, Books, Singing, Fingerplays & Puppets

✓ Daily Art 

✓ Library of Books to Promote Literacy 

✓ Individual Cribs 

✓ Mouthed Toy Bins

✓ No Shoe Policy: Keeps dirt, debris, & other contaminants out of the classroom since infants tend to put everything in their mouths.

✓ Schedule: We follow the same schedule you do at home to ensure smooth transitions from home to school.

✓ Labels: Bottles & food must be labeled & dated by parents; pre made bottles are required by the state.

✓ Bottles: All bottles warmed in crock pot NEVER in microwave to ensure even warming, and always warmed to the parent’s liking

✓ Diapers: Changed every 2 hours, or as needed earlier

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