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Safari Childcare recognizes children are learning constantly; it is the nature of growth. Our duty as caregivers and educators is to provide experiences, which support and enhance this natural process.

Safari Childcare is a licensed preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. We offer curriculum that is designed to promote character education as well as school and kindergarten-readiness. Each program at Safari Childcare offers learning experiences, which enhance socialization and emphasize important preparation skills for the future. Reading skills, social/self-help skills, gross-fine motor skills, and cognitive learning skills are also developed and enriched. Children learn skills through "hands-on" activities and by sharing new experiences. Children will learn to develop their feelings by making new friends and exploring their own learning environment.

Pre-Kindergarten Programs

 Each classroom consists of permanent and flexible learning centers; which are clearly defined and arranged to promote independence, decision making, and encourage social involvement.

✓ Developmental theorist Piaget and Erikson each illustrated unique stages of growth to define how each child development occurs. Their philosophies are incorporated into our classroom structures, lesson plans, child assessments, and daily interactions with the children.

✓ We conduct child assessments throughout the year in order to provide feedback to you, the parent, about your child’s development. These assessments include developmental guidelines based upon your child’s age. 

The assessment portfolios are discussed during parent teacher conferences twice a year. Conferences promote consistency in learning between school and home by providing an opportunity for you, the parent, to take an active role in your child’s development.

We never scold, but positively encourage toddlers and preschoolers, training them in self-help skills, and we provide an environment which allows children to make mistakes, encourage them to succeed, and foster self-esteem.

✓ We recognize that there is no “cookie cutter” approach to development. Each child is unique and develops at his or her own pace. We do, however, look for signs that each child is progressing along a sequence of significant developmental benchmarks, which allows the teachers and caregivers to approach each child at the appropriate developmental level.

The assessment portfolios are discussed during parent teacher conferences twice a year. Conferences promote consistency in learning between school and home by providing an opportunity for you, the parent, to take an active role in your child’s development.

Developmental Milestones

 Learn to Read: literacy emphasized thoroughly

✓ Calendar: days of week & months of year

✓ Recognition of: colors, shapes, five senses, numbers (to 50), object, body, name & all letters & their sounds

✓ Personal knowlege & expression reproduction File folders: sizes, grouping, patterns, seasons, etc.

✓ Tracing numbers, letters & names

✓ Math everyday: length & measuring, sizes, matching, sorting, patterns, graphing, estimating, counting 75+ & by 10’s

✓ Science: mixing, classifying & categorizing, recording data, investigating, life cycles, magnets, reflections, etc.

✓ Gross motor: outside twice a day, jumping, walking backwards, catching, balancing, etc.

 Fine motor: tracing shapes, cutting on the line, puzzles, coloring in lines, playdough, lacing, buttoning, zippering, tying, etc.

 Sensory activity & art every day

 Cooking/game day: Wednesday (summer)

 Singing, flannel boards, stories, & fingerplays

 Reading both child’s own name, as well as fellow classmates’ name

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